Friday, April 13, 2012

Chapter 12 Post 2

Internal attributions are about another person (she wanted, he hates, she's stupid, he's evil, etc), it often results in name calling and assigning blame. When something gets me frustrated I usually act in the internal attribution concept. Chapter 7 mentioned about hyper stress. It is when it occurs when too many tasks and responsibilities pile up on us and we are unable to adapt to the changes or cope with all that is happening at once. When this happens it leads me getting into the name calling because of the prior stress that I am dealing with. For example; I remember a time when I was trying to cool off and relax by shooting some hoops, while I was playing the game, a guy started "trash talking" so I started saying things that had nothing to do with the situation but the stress situation I am in made say things that were hurtful. It almost lead into a fight but other people broke it up. After that day I try and handle my difficult situations differently so the outcome won't be violent.


  1. 2001 Oldsmobile Alero AC Compressor
    Good efforts. All the best for future posts. I have bookmarked you. Well done. I read and like this post. Thanks.

  2. Hey Orvizzle,
    I liked your post and felt like one of mine could easily relate. You said that stress sometimes pushes us to do things and act in ways we normally would not. I can’t agree with you more. Sometimes you can’t help but blame the outside forces that caused you to be rude, mean, etc. My main thing I try to remember is to never completely use external attributions to keep from taking the blame. If I was wrong, stressed or not, I will admit it and apologize. However, I will try my best to explain what led me to acting that way, so that the other person can also understand my situation.
