Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chapter 6 question 1

Trust is something between two people that cherish the relationship. A friend, family, a significant other or an elder; those are usually people we trust. The book describes TRUST as the belief that another is benevolent or honest toward the trusting individual, and that the other person's caring transcends any direct benefits the other receives as a result of caring.

The time I lost trust to someone was when with my best friend who told me that he would always have my back; and never cross me. Back in high school around my sophomore year, my so called friend knew everything about me, he told people nasty rumors about me that weren't true, but he also told some personal stuff about my life around school. That hurt our relationship and we didn't speak for a while I was so pissed I wanted to fight him and say stuff about him; but that wasn't me so I just decided not to talk to him. About 5 years gone by I saw him at the community college;I went up to him and said was-sup. We talked for a bit and he said want to grab lunch and chat about what happen. He said that he was mad because I was talking to a girl he liked that I never knew; and he plotted to go against me; he apologize as did I but I told him that was in the past lets just move on because we in college and we grown already. No need for some high school drama to ruin our friendship. We speak almost everyday now when he isn't busy with work and hang out all the time.


  1. Your experience was very similar to mine in my post. As I stated in my post it takes just one action to lose trust and many times years to gain it back. I feel like if you can’t trust someone than you can’t really respect them, and if you cant respect them why would you want them in your life. Ultimately, we chose who we surround ourselves with so if there is a trust issue often times we ex that person out of our lives. I think it’s good that you and your friend reconciled because people are often times way different people than who they were in high school as I realized. Trust is essential in any relationship whither it be friendship, romance, and even in business. I’m a firm believer in trusting people until they give me a reason not to trust them. Many people may disagree and view it the other way around , yet I choose to see the good in everyone until they give me reason to think otherwise.

  2. This week’s blog posts have all been very similar. It makes me feel as if we are all connected in a small way even though we have never met face-to-face. We have all had someone betray us at one point in time, and it is only natural to feel this way. It gives us a sense of disappointment in a friend we full-heartedly trusted.

    I relate on an extreme level to your post. I too have been the one that had rumors spread about me. It is one of the most embarrassing feelings especially because you know it is not the truth. Time can be our friend so we can heal our emotions.

    Glad to hear you and your friend made up after all those years!

  3. I feel like most people's trust issues happen in high schools. It's funny the things that piss us off of make us turn on our friends (especially when it's over a crush). For me in HS i was friends with these two girls who hated each other. Over the summer me and one of the girls didn't talk much and when we came back to school she despised me too. I tried to talk to her later on years later when I ran into her. Unlike you and your friends though apparently she is still mad about it. Oh well some of can get past small tiffs and others just hold on to the past.
