Friday, March 9, 2012

Chapter 6 question 2

In a unbalanced power relationship; it can really depend who has the power in the relationship. The one with the power usually feels happy and dominant about the relationship. The person with the less power may feel insecure about the relationship and not comfortable but sometimes you 'll never realize it because maybe the dominate person in the relationship has a good stranglehold. If I had power I feel more comfortable; like going to a place where I am accustomed to I have more confidence going into it. Other examples are; being prepared for a presentation, knowing the professor you are taking. For less power can be something where a person goes outside their comfort zone, like going to a party undressed and everyone you see in a stranger, or coaching a bunch of kids where other coaches are judging you how well the practicing is going. I believe though that it depends on the situation you are in at the time of this conflict climate.


  1. I agree with you 100% that the person who holds the most power in the relationship is typically the most happy. When there is an unbalance of power it is typically because one person has the need to achieve dominance in the relationship. As a result, the other person feels less inclined to speak up as they feel insecure with their role in the relationship.
    I have experienced this first hand as for many years, I let one of my best friends take control of our relationship. I used to sit back and keep my opinions to myself since I was not confident with where I stood in our friendship. I essentially let her walk all over me and it was apparent that she liked having the power as she is someone who enjoys having control of situations.

  2. I really like that you mentioned that the one who holds the most power is typically the one who is the most happy. Sometimes when we hold the most power, it doesn’t always have to be a negative experience. When we are on top, believe it or not, occasionally we don’t realize what happens around us. We are living life the way we want without realizing the affects we leave on others. Power is a scary thing that can either place an emphasis of happiness or sadness on a relationship. It is up to us to decide if it stays neutral.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with you when you say the dominating one in the relationship is always happier well the other can be very unhappy. This is true when it comes to my relationship. In my relationship, my boyfriend has become very dominate over the last couple of months. I explained to him how unhappy I was and the funny thing is he thinks that I came out with this from nowhere. He had no idea I was ready to call the relationship quits even though I had expressed to him several times that I did not like how the relationship was running. The dominate one in the relationship is always the one who is unaware.
